Why join the resetting call: coaching and mentoring services

Why join the resetting call: coaching and mentoring services

Training and transfer knowledge constitute two key pillars for the RESETTING project. The digital

transformation is very much based on the training of people working for the selected SMEs, who will ultimately be in control of technological tools. Therefore, a strong focus will be put on developing the skills of the human capital working at the selected 60 SMEs.

One of the main goal of the RESETTING project is to provide technical and pratical knowledge to the different tourism SMES, following the success story of the TIC Academy implemented by the Cluster TIC Catalunya Sud, whose goals are:

  • To detect the issues that SMEs have in regard to the digital transformation.
  • To make adaptative tech programs according to the issues that SMEs have.
  • To provide counselling services to the SMEs in order to help dealing with digital innovation and transformation by providing tools, advice of best practises and generate internal projects that make SMEs more efficiency and competitive.
  • To transfer the knowledge and best practices to boost efficiency and sustainability levels for the SMEs so that selected SMEs can improve their energy efficiency, water management issues, matters related to mobility management as well as recommendations to tackle food waste in their operations.

The process would start with a study of SMEs – each of the SMEs participating in the project will be evaluated with a questionnaire, to know the degree and competencies related to digitalization and digital transformation. The results of this study will allow us to evaluate the training fields in which we should focus. From this study we will extract different levels of digitization and digital transformation on which we’ll act upon.

In the situation that SMEs needs help to guide their business or find new ways to improve their internal processes, the experts’ consulting process will be used. A mentor would be dispatched to the SME, to provide support and advice. Issues that will be addressed during this process revolve around how to improve internal processes to be able to face the new challenges of digital transformation, and ultimately, helping companies to make the best decisions, to detect possible needs for innovation and digital transformation projects that tourism SMEs need.

If are interested and you feel your business could benefit from join the RESETTING project, apply now for our current call!

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